Tuesday, October 9, 2012

4 sleeps until Northland Champs!!

I can't believe I am getting on stage in FOUR SLEEPS!! It has been such a long journey! My first official day dieting and training was documented as the 19th of June! Here we are 122 days later, 10 + kg of fat loss and over 11%(??) body fat loss (Official numbers to come!!)

Plans are in place for the next few days! Posing, chicken eating, training, asparagus eating, water drinking, tanning, road-tripping, carb-saturating, more tanning and finally getting polished up (eyelashes, hair, make-up, nails) then STAGE TIME!!!  SO EXCITED!!!

Thankfully on Saturday night post-comp I can have a substantial meal so I am looking forward to a stress free catch up with the family and friends who are road-tripping up for the show, and eating measured, portioned un-weighed quantities of meat! (and maybe a smidgeon of Krista's famous gluten/dairy free apple crumble!)

I'm sure this meal will refuel my brain and body, and set me up for the coming week, back on the pre-comp wagon to prep for my second show!

Here's a wee pic from some posing I did with Michelle a couple of weeks ago - I have leaned out since then due to the diet I've been on - but don't have any more recent photos than this! I would be lying if I said this current diet is easy! Its not easy, its not exciting, but it is neccessary and it's only for two more days until I start to carb-up on friday..
                 Until then, I'm going with the motto...


  1. Wow the lean keen Tarn. Looking good. Looking forward to seeing you ALL. Going shopping tomorrow for FOOD!!

  2. Huge good luck Tarn :) Rock it!!! Your progress is amazing...!!
