Customary red wine pre show...
we all joined in to help her drink it |
I took a bit of time out of dieting at the start of the semester to focus on school and get comfortable in clinic, however my buddy Shenae has been doing the hard yards for her first show.... Photos here!
Carb-up breakie....YUM! |
Looking beautiful with our talented hair-doer and tanner Krista
Amazing muscles, hard work showing!
Back looking ripped up!
On stage with physique girls |

A couple of weeks ago I injured my shoulder - I moved it in a funny direction and bang - pain for two weeks! (Ok, it had been niggling for several months but I was ignoring it). I went to see my
favourite physios straight away, who diagnosed bursitis. Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa (little fluid filled sacs in your joints that work to reduce friction). The physio's orders were no shoulder workouts, no chest workouts (I've got a few biomechanical imbalances, mainly shoulder anteriority) specific stretches, take anti-inflammatories and do lots of rotator cuff exercises. One of my teachers at school also adjusted the surrounding structures to help improve the biomechanics of my upper body. 2 and 1/2 weeks later and I virtually have no pain! I did my first shoulder workout yesterday (probably wasn't supposed to do this) but this morning all I have are shoulder DOMS, no imflammatory aching to be seen! Very happy!!
Not surprising, shoulder injuries are common in bodybuilders.. we work very hard to build big beautiful delts (shoulders!) but are guilty of neglecting our rotator cuff muscles, which are the behind the scene shoulder stabilisers. Take care of your wee rotator cuffs; work them, stretch them, and they will be grateful.
I keep this picture of myself in my head to remind myself it's all there, I just need to do the hard yards to make it show! |
Its a bit difficult going to a bodybuilding show when you're not in condition, I tried to remind myself that what I look like is irrelevant, it's the girls on stage that matter! However it was great motivation for me to start working on
cutting down, getting out of bed every morning and hitting the pavement or treadmill,
being organised and prepping my meals, sucking it up when the c
hocolate craving hits! Weightwatchers Jelly and Jarrah hot chocolate, probably my best friends at the moment!
If you've ever considered doing a show but are maybe scared to take the first step, remember we all start somewhere! Everyone has a before and after, some of the transformations might surprise you. I've posted my before and after pics in a previous blog,
here it is if you want take a look. To get started, join a gym, get weight training 3-4x week, look at your diet and clean it up here and there if needed. Find a personal trainer and nutritionist and set some goals! If you would like a nudge in the right direction, don't be afraid to ask for help.
Interesting post my dear. I am pleased your burst shoulder (he he sorry) seems to be coming right :-)Good luck with your next round of training and hard work. Didn't Shenae do well - great stuff!