Friday, December 7, 2012

Next season comp prep already?!

The calendars are out for next year's shows! My first show will be the NZIFBB Pro Bikini/Amateur show on March 16th, which is only just over 3 months away! The typical preparation period for a show is 3 months.. this means I had better start thinking about getting back into competition mode.

Morning cardio up One Tree Hill
With exams and school over for the year, a stressful house move done and dusted (literally dusted, scrubbed, scoured, spray and wiped, vacuumed and mopped) .. I can focus on creating the good habits again and learning to say no to anything that's not on my diet plan - that precious piece of paper that will get me stage ready.

We've weighed and pinched and where I am at now is a good place to start the sculpt down for the show.

I'm armed with a fresh pack of gluten-free oats, some new delicious protein powder and a whole lot of will power to resist Christmas nibbles! Never much liked chips and dips and Camembert cheese anyway... :P


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  2. Good on you my girl!! Pleased you can eat normal-ish on Christmas Day though - I was a bit worried about that!
