13 weeks out!
I caught up with nutritionist Tarren Mccall for a bit of a check-in while Michelle is away in the UK. After being back on a more of a pre-comp clean eating plan and making sure I do regular morning cardio I've dropped 2 kg of body fat in the last 12 days so am pretty happy with where I'm at.

Things are quite lovely at the moment, I'm still having milk in my coffee (only at home - long blacks if it's from a cafe!) only having to do 5 early morning cardio sessions before breakfast which I LOVE! Sunshine, fresh air and amazing views - living by
One Tree Hill is so good! I also do weight sessions 4 times a week. That's TWO WHOLE DAYS OFF each week! Which feels like Christmas!
Speaking of which, Christmas is just around the corner. One week away in fact. My plan for christmas?
Kumara and Chicken. JUST KIDDING! Ham and potatoes and pavlova and chocolate! Normal people's Christmas food! Very happy about this! I definitely won't be going overboard on the dessert but a bit of a relaxed day will be much appreciated.. by my family too I think!

I've been to two Pre-Christmas-Family-Christmases already. I managed to smuggle in my chicken and kumara and loaded up my plate with salad. Lucky my family is supportive (although they probably think I'm a bit strange, they're all strange too so it makes it OK).. I can imagine taking your own meals to a family lunch may not go down quite as well for other people.
Strength Gains
This time last year I was
2 weeks post-knee-surgery and hardly able to get around, even with my crutches.
So I had a look back at the weights I was lifting in June this year - I was shoulder pressing
8-10 kg and doing
body weight squats for knee rehab. In the gym this week I was shoulder pressing
15 kg and squatting
70 kg with no knee pain.
It was awesome to think about these strength gains and a good reminder that weight training is what it's all about!
Merry Christmas and have a great holiday!
(Cute pic at the end!! I'm not sure what you mean about your family being strange :-) but it's so hard to believe that this time last year you were hobbling around with that knee. I haven't made the pav yet but the ham is awaiting us and heaps of strawberries too. And the plum tree is ready for picking!!