Saturday, August 4, 2012

Smegs Smegs Smegs!

Smegs... Smooshy Eggs.. only my newest favourite thing on my diet! 

*quick*tasty*protein*low cal*feels-like-you're-having-a-naughty-sugary-treat-but-you're-not!*

Here's how you do it:

1) Two ingredients: 1 egg, 1 scoop of protein powder.

 I've only used vanilla but I can't wait to try chocolate or cookies and cream flavour.

2) Put ingredients in a bowl
 3) Mix ingredients
 4) Microwave for 15 sec
 5) Quickly mix again
 6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have a gooey, half cooked looking eggy mixture. Takes around 3 trips in the microwave for me.
 7) Put a wee bit of cinnamon on top if you want.
 8) NOM IT UP!!!!!!!

I can't take the credit for this delicious, after dinner amazing-ness, Michelle, my lovely trainer, put me onto this.

Disclaimer: This wee treat may only appeal to those on bodybuilding diets. Please prove me wrong ;)


  1. Sounds yummy - if you are a bodybuilder...!! Love your step by step instructions - you're getting the hang of this blog thing!!

  2. Heh heh thanks mum!! I'm going to make you a smeg next time I see you and dare you to tell me it doesn't taste delicious!!!
